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Something Blue – Rhythms – January 18 2025Something Blue – Rhythms – January 18, 2025
Listen here.
This is Hairy Larry inviting you to enjoy Something Blue every Saturday night at ten. This week we’re featuring David Dellacroce, Sun Ra, Lee Ritenour, Dave Grusin, and Hairy Larry. For more about the show visit the Something Blue website at
Sun Ra – Aurora Borealis
Lee Ritenour & Dave Grusin – Brasil
David Dellacroce – livestreamprovisations
Hairy Larry Livestreams
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Delta Boogie IssuesDelta Boogie Issues
We did a php upgrade and it broke some of the pages. I got the buttons working again and the main page is loading but there are still some problems. I'll work on it again tomorrow.
Delta Boogie is almost 30 years old and it has some amazing content. And I have more to add. I just finished two galleries of photos I took on the day Vivian and I met Levon Helm. And Matt Cheney has some amazing music posts about Southern Missouri. I am also working on featuring some Arkansas musicians, Philip Jackson, Gary Sloan, and Angie Owens.
Every time I have a problem like this I don't just fix the problem. I work hard to make Delta Boogie better and easier to maintain. In this upgrade I am turning Delta Boogie into a Plain Text Program which increases security, makes it more stable, and makes it easier to add content.
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DJ Hairy Larry Presents Hairy Larry Playing NoumenologyDJ Hairy Larry Presents Hairy Larry Playing Noumenology
From The Archives Of Something Blue 2025-01-12
Thanks Marty, today I'm going to improvise jazz piano on a song inspired by Immanuel Kant.
Now Immanuel Kant was an influential philosopher back in the 18th century and he remains influential today. Kant created a dichotomy between phenomenon and noumena where phenomenon applies to things we can perceive with the senses and noumena are things that cannot be perceived. So I wrote this song called "Noumenolgy" about the study of things that cannot be perceived.
At first I thought this would be an ideal academic tenure, I mean, who could prove you wrong? But further thought led me to many scientists who deal with noumena on a daily basis.
Take cosmology for instance, the study of the origins of the universe. Cosmologists have come up with the idea of the big bang, something that happened about 14 billion years ago. They check how fast the universe is expanding to come up with a number like that. And they keep building bigger and bigger telescopes because the farther away something is the longer it took for it's light to get to us which means we're really looking back into the past when we look at distant galaxies.
Well, the big bang is noumenal. I mean, nobody's going to actually perceive it. So you could say that some cosmologists are, in fact, noumenologists.
Or take particle physics. String theory, where we look at the stuff that makes protons and electrons, started as a mathematical exercise without proof in the real world. Definitely noumenologically inclined.
But those particle physicists kept building bigger and bigger cyclotrons banging atoms together to see what escaped and they started detecting the mathematically predicted sub-particles. I read last week that they discovered a particle that has mass going in one direction and no mass going in the other. Now, how does that work?
Moving on from philosophy, cosmology, and physics to noumena that actually affect ordinary people. Songwriters have written more songs about it than any other subject. Stories about it finance the publishing industry allowing them to publish books on philosophy and cosmology. And Jesus preached about it as his core message. Of course, I'm talking about love, something everyone experiences that has no phenomenal existence.
You can't see it. You can't touch it. What is love? remains a valid philosophical question. So there we are. Back to Kant.
On the song "Noumenology" I scat sing with a bebop and a doowop replacing actual words. So I got to thinking this morning, maybe I should write a lyric? Maybe about a cosmologist and a physicist who fall in love. Or even better a cosmologist and a physicist who bond over their shared their love for noumenology.
Which brings us to the big question. Just what is up with Hairy Larry's brain and how does he come up with this stuff? I'm going to reveal my secret. Sometimes it's dreams. And sometimes, in the morning, when I'm not ready to get out of bed, you know what I mean, you've been there, my mind just goes tick tick tick and the next thing you know I've written another podcast.
So now, from my "Hairy Larry Livestreams" album, here I am scat singing to "Noumenology".
DJ Hairy Larry Presents Hairy Larry Playing Noumenology
From The Archives Of Something Blue 2024-08-11
Hairy Larry Livestream
Something Blue Archives
Something Blue Archives - List Of Concerts
And that's Hairy Larry singing "Noumenology". Don't miss Something Blue, Saturday night at 10:00, for more piano improvisatation from my "Hairy Larry Livestreams" album. Plus Sun Ra, David Dellacroce, Lee Ritenour, and Dave Grusin.
DJ Hairy Larry With David Dellacroce Playing D
Something Blue - Rhythms - 29 second spot
This is Hairy Larry inviting you to enjoy Something Blue every Saturday night at ten. This week we’re featuring David Dellacroce, Sun Ra, Lee Ritenour, Dave Grusin, and Hairy Larry. For more about the show visit the Something Blue website at
Don’t miss Something Blue, Saturday night at 10:00 PM CST, at
Now Playing On Something Blue - Ancestral
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Indie Archive File Integrity And NotificationIndie Archive File Integrity And Notification
If all you're doing is backing up with no file integrity checks then you can never be sure if a file that's important to you has been corrupted, accidentally edited, or maybe even just removed. That's why file integrity checks are important to any archival system. We want to detect divergence in our file sets before we copy the corrupt file all over all of the good copies.
And, hand in hand with file integrity checks is notification. What good are the checks if you aren't notifed about discrepancies?
I'm using rsync to do the file integrity checks daily. I use the -n switch to force a dry run so the file integrity checks don't change anything. And I use the -c switch to force checksum. It is possible for a file to be corrupted while still showing the same time, date, and size, so the checksum switch is the safest way to go, when comparing two files.
I also use the -r recursive switch and the -v verbose switch. A typical file integrity check looks like this.
rsync -rnvc --delete --exclude '.Trash-1000' --exclude 'lost+found' /home/indiearchive/primaryfiles/ > logfile.txt
(logfile.txt will be named with the date and the directory being checked and the logfiles will be stored on the boot drive by default)
The command above is comparing the primary files directory with the secondaryfiles directory which I am accessing with ssh across the LAN. I include the --delete switch so rsync will report if a file would be deleted meaning it's not in the primaryfiles directory but it is in the secondaryfiles directory.
rsync also reports when the alternative is true, listing just the filename meaning that if this wasn't a dry run, rsync would be copying that file from the primaryfiles directory over to the secondaryfiles directory.
And beyond just checking for missing files the checksum switch checks that the files are actually the same and rsync reports that too.
Running file integrity from the primaryfiles directory I can compare to three other directories, primarysnapshots, secondaryfiles, and secondarysnapshots. So if three of them are the same and one is different it definitely focuses my attention right at the problem.
File integrity is also run daily on the remote system comparing the remotefiles directory with three other directories remotesnapshots, secondaryfiles, and secondarysnapshots. You can see how having the ssh server on the secondary system makes it the hub that ties the primary and the remote system together.
The primary system pushes files from the primaryfiles directory across the LAN to the secondaryfiles directory. The remote system pulls the files across the internet from the secondaryfiles directory to the remotefiles directory.
The file integrity checks work the same way with the primary system running file integrity checks on the primary and secondary systems daily and the remote system running file integrity checks on the remote and secondary systems daily.
I create a log file from each file integrity check by capturing the rsync output. If there are no missing or divergent files the log has five lines of text. If there are more than five lines of text then a notification needs to be sent.
I chose email notifications because it's the easiest to implement and the least expensive.
After a quick search I decided to try smtp2go for my smtp service. It's really quite easy to get it working if you know how to add CNAME records to your domain provider. They have example code using curl so I was able to use their service quite quickly to send an email.
Using curl to send emails is great because your don't have to install email software on your system.
The problem was getting the logfile into the email.
I'm sure there are better ways of doing it but I couldn't figure any of them out so I resorted to something I know how to do, concatenating files.
I took my example script and saved everything up to the actual text of the body of the email to a file called And I saved everything after the body of the email to
And I put the body of the email into test.log.
Then I concatenated, test.log, and to a file I called
And there were only two problems.
Since I used cat to concatenate the files there were line feeds between the files, that is each file started on a new line.
Well I didn't want that because it didn't work. So I searched around a little bit and found a way to concatenate files without the extra line feed using the head command.
Which worked great, but I still had line feeds in my test.log file because there will be line feeds in the actual log files. So I replaced all the linefeeds with html
Which worked great but when I got the email it showed me all the html break syntax.
Did I say there were only two problems? There's never only two problems. But I was expecting this one.
I searched around some more to find out how to send html emails. This was an easy one. I just replaced text_body with html_body in the file.
So I lumped all of this together into an file that looks like this.
sed -i'' ':a; $!N; s|\n|<br>|; ta; P;D' test.log
head -c -1 -q test.log >
The sed command uses a whole bunch of gobbledegook to replace all of the linefeeds with html breaks. Don't ask me how it works but it does, in fact, work.
Then the head command concatenates the three files into That -1 in there tells it to skip the last character which leaves out that last linefeed.
But the real trick here is that I use a bash script to write a bash script and then execute that bash script which sends the email.
Pretty cool, huh?
Now, I haven't installed this yet on the primary and the remote systems. I don't see why it wouldn't work since it's working great with my test files. I sure hope it's not as much work to get it going on The Indie Archive as it took to figure it out this far.
Puzzles are puzzling and I love working the puzzles. (In fact, I get obsessed.)
Solving the puzzles is important but having the vision, knowing what you want and why, that's the real important part. That's the big puzzle.
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Something Blue – Ancestral – January 11 2024Something Blue – Ancestral – January 11, 2024
This is Hairy Larry inviting you to enjoy Something Blue every Saturday night at ten. This week we’re featuring Karl Denson, David Murray, and Christian Scott aTunde Adjuah. For more about the show visit the Something Blue website at
Don’t miss Something Blue, Saturday night at 10:00 PM CST, at
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MixRemix On Anonradio From The Creative Commons Jazz Library 2025 01 10MixRemix On Anonradio - From The Creative Commons Jazz Library - 2025-01-10
Regis V Gronoff-Lonesome Traveler
Piano Jazz by Andre Zimmermann
La vie sous la mer - Bruce H. McCosar
Dead Horse by Charts and Maps
FMT-Jazzy Cooking Show
Art Yenta-Mystery of Meetings
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OpenBSD And The Indie ArchiveOpenBSD AndThe Indie Archive
I installed OpenBSD yesterday on a very old box running a Celeron with 4GB ram. I found a page with good instructions for installing XFCE and that made the desktop a lot better.
I did get Indie Archive to run on OpenBSD but I am not recommending it because the version of cp that comes with OpenBSD does not support the -l option which enables links for rsnapshot. This was shown in the error message about cp -al.
I installed coreutils which has the gnu version of cp, gcp. After replacing cp with a renamed gcp Indie Archive ran fine.
I don't know enough about OpenBSD, cp, and gpc to recommend doing this. So I'm not recommending OpenBSD as a platform for Indie Archive.
I don't mind rewriting my scripts for a different OS. I don't want to have to change rsnapshot code or OS essentials.