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Sam Carr

Birthplace - Friar's Point, Mississippi
Birthdate - April 17, 1926
Curent Residence - Dundee, Mississippi

Sam Carr, has lived the blues. His father, ledgendary Blues Man, Robert Nighthawk would take Sam along on his gigs. He was 8 or 9 years old dressed up to the nines and looking sharp. Sam would dance and perform in front of his father's band and during breaks.

Sam is an energetic man, even at 71 he can out work many men half his age. The first thing you notice about Sam is the way his face changes when he smiles. It's like the sun came out.

Sam Carr has worked with Frank Frost for so many years that they are a team. Their names have become inseperable to a lot of blues fans. Sam and Frank have made music together since they were kids. While doing gig's up and down the "Blues Highway" they joined up with Sonny Boy Williamson and became his last band. Sam has consistently been chosen as the best blues drummer in "Living Blues". The Jelly Roll Kings which also included Big Jack Johnson is probably the best known incarnation of Frank Frost and Sam Carr.

If you attend the four big delta festivals you have seen Sam Carr on stage. He is also one of those drummers that is called when you are going into the studio to cut your CD and you need a great blues drummer. Catch Sam on the latest Jelly Roll Kings release out on Mercury Capricorn.

Buy Frank and Sam's CDs

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