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Frank Frost

Birthplace - Augusta, Arkansas
Birthdate - April 15, 1936
Curent Residence - Helena, Arkansas

Frank Frost is one of those living Blues legends. He began performing when he was a child. The roads he traveled were long and sometimes very hard but most of them have been shared with Sam Carr. In the 50's he and Sam were picked up by the Philip's label. They were one of the first acts Sam Philips picked up for his newly formed company.

"The Mighty King, Frank Frost" is one of the most incredible harp men you will ever hear. He ought to be he learned from one of the most revered harp player's in the world, Sonny Boy Williamson, of "King Biscuit Time" fame.

Frank is often sought out by budding young harp players. They travel to Helena, Arkansas during festivals in droves. The question is always the same "Frank, how do you get that tone?" The answer is always the same, too. Frank touches his stomach and says "You gotta play from your stomach, not from up here and he points at his chest."

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