Birthdate October 10, 1923
Birthplace Clarksdale, Mississippi
Current Residence - Clarksdale, Mississippi
Wade Walton is a unique individual having spent his entire life in
Clarksdale, cutting hair and slapping out blues rhythms on his razor
strap. A barber for 55 years Wade has probably known more blues
performers and has performed for and with more blues performers than
anybody else around the Clarksdale area.
No trip to Clarksdale would be complete without a trip to Wade Walton's
barber shop. Many a Blues fan has made the trip to sit in his chair and
listen to him talk about and perform the Blues. A great guitarist and
harp player in his own right he's also a mean barber so you get double
your money's worth.
Wade is a favorite performer at Blues Festivals and he brings along his
razor strap to show folks how it's done. Don't miss him if he's
scheduled in your town.