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About KGPL

 KGPL Code

Hairy Larry

This is the first release version of KGPL called V3. It uses jQuery and jPlayer software in the browser and php on the server. No database is required to run this version of KGPL. You can play mp3 files that you serve from your server or you can play mp3 files served by other servers like The Live Music Archive at Many of the bands at upload their shows for non-commercial use only. You should not run ads if you use their music.

There is a song submit form on the home page but no data entry is required. The playlist updates can also be done using ftp. When you upload an mp3 file to the songs directory that file will be played and the file info will be the filename without the .mp3 and with underscores converted to spaces.

To play a file hosted on another server upload an m3u playlist to the songs directory with just the link to the mp3 file on the other server as it's contents. The listed file will be played and the file info will be the m3u filename without the .m3u and with underscores converted to spaces.

The V3 demo version form on the home page is restricted to mp3s hosted at but that is easily modified for your use. There is no restriction on m3u files you upload with ftp.

You can also remove the form completely, like I have done with Delta Boogie Radio, to control your playlist yourself without user submissions.

You do not have to use ftp. Any file transfer mechanism will work. You can update your songs directory with the cpanel file manager, rsync, cloud sync software, etc. However it gets there once an mp3 or m3u file is added to your songs directory it will play on your station.

Thanks to jQuery and jPlayer for doing all the hard work and making their code available as Open Source. Like these programs KGPL is licensed under MIT and GPL licenses.

Thanks to Waldek Mastykarz for this article, "Search on this Page" using jQuery, with code I used to implement the search feature on the All Songs page.

Thanks to Isocra Consulting for their Drag n Drop JQuery plugin.

How to install KGPL

Download coming soon.

After you unzip the code.

Edit Change paths to match your website. Change title art if you want to. Set $submitform to "N" for no song submissions.

Change out the KGPL microphone or leave it to link to KGPL. If you take the microphone out please add a KGPL link to one or both of your menus or somewhere on the page. This is not required but it would be helpful to others who might want to use the software.

Change and to convey your message. You are not required to use these, they can be empty files.

Change menus, and Remove unwanted external links. Add links to your website. You can add your websites footer to

The initial implementation of KGPL was Delta Boogie Radio. Look at it to see the results of the customization describe above.

Delta Boogie Radio

If you use KGPL on your website let me know and I will add your link here.

Email Hairy Larry

Newly Listed At The Live Music Archive