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Craft Show at the Convocation Center

1998 Spring 'N Arkansas Arts and Craft Show
April 3 - Noon-7:00pm
April 4 - 9:00am-6:00pm
April 5 - Noon-5:00pm

The ASU Convocation Center is the site for a spring art and craft show. Sponsored by The ASU Indian Club, The Jonesboro Sun, KFIN, and KAIT the show begins on April 3 at noon on Friday April 3. 150 exhibitors from 12 states will be showing floral, pottery, jewelry, wood, glass, fine arts, clothing, and many other items. Proceeds go to the ASU scholoraship fund.

Adults   $2.25                                                                                      
Seniors  $1.25                                                                                      
Students $1.25                                                                                      
Under 12  free                                                                                      

Delta Boogie Press Archive

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Copyright by Larry Heyl and Vivian Heyl, 1997