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Blues Graduates To Be Honored

On Saturday, May 30, seven apprentices will be honored for successfully                             
completing the apprenticeship of the Delta Blues Education Program.                                 
Time: 1:00PM.  Place: Nosef Park, on the Friar's Point Road in                                      
Clarksdale.  Rain Date: South Annex of the Clarksdale City Auditorium.                              
Artrelle Earl, Fred Hicks, Anthony Sherard, Jameisa Turner, Lee                                     
Williams, Fazenda Young and Venessia Young will be awarded certificates                             
signed by their teachers Johnnie "Mr. Johnnie" Billington and Michael                               
"Dr. Mike" James (both recognized master blues artists).                                            
Successful completion  of the Delta Blues Education Program is not                                  
easy.  The apprentices must master four key objectives:                                             
1) Chosen Instrument (either guitar, bass, drums, keyboards, harmonica,                             
or wind)                                                                                            
2) Professional Band Musicianship                                                                   
3) Good Personal Behavior                                                                           
4) Good Citizenship                                                                                 
The students honored are ready to play professionally on stage with any                             
blues artist, as they have proved themselves at the State Capital, the                              
Mississippi College for Women, the Pop Staples Festival, The King                                   
Biscuit Festival, the Sunflower River Blues Festival, and benefits held                             
in New York City.  All apprentices honored have been studying for at                                
least one year with Mr. Johnnie and Dr. Mike.                                                       
Following the award of certificates, and remarks, there will be a                                   
performance by the apprentices and their teachers, J.B. & the                                       
Midnighters and Dr. Mike & the Interns.                                                             
For more information on the graduation, or about the Delta Blues                                    
Education Program, please call Director John Ruskey at (601) 627-4070.                              

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Copyright by Larry Heyl and Vivian Heyl, 1997