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Bluesaid Announces Performers

BluesAid was created by the Sonny Boy Blues Society to help our aging population of blues artists cope with healthcare costs and memorial expenses. As you well know, many of the most influential bluesmen and women have not fared well finacially and are without any healthcare insurance and no savings in case of illness, either acute or chronic. The BluesAid project is an extension of the Sonny Boy Blues Society's local efforts to help these aging artists obtain the proper medical help and medications they may have otherwise gone without.

The genesis for a national for a national benefit came about when long time Sonny Boy Blues Society participants, The Kentucky Headhunters were contacted by the Society's Bubba Sullivan to see if they would help out. Honored by the asking, the group agreed to participate and help take this cause to a national level and involve other musicans world-wide.

As stated, BluesAid will raise money for a nationwide clearinghouse for financial aid for medical, pharmacuetical, and memorial expenses. At the same time, BluesAid will allow musicians and fans to pay respect to many of the influences that shaped and molded many of today's succesful artists not only in the blues world, but also in rock, pop and country.

The first BluesAid benefit concert was held on Sunday, May 3rd, 1998 at Horseshoe Casino's showcase nightclub, Bluesville, at Casino Center in Tunica, Mississippi. Bluesville is part of Horshoe Casino's new state of the art blues music entertainment complex. With it's 1,000 plus seating capacity and one of the most modern of audio/visual setups in the region, Bluesville at Horseshoe Casino offered both the audience and the artists a great venue to stage this musical benefit. Adjancent to Bluesville is the Blues Legends Museum featuring blues memorabilia and history of some of the best known blues artists.

The 1998 all-star lineup included Buddy Miles, James Cotton, The Kentucky Headhunters, Bobby Rush, Pinetop Perkins, Frank Frost, Sam Carr, Bernard Allison, John Weston, Kenny Wayne Sheppard, Levon Helm, Otis Clay, Sonny Burgess and the Pacers, Bobby Whitlock, Billy C. Whirtz and other performers. Approximately $10,000 was raised by the 1998 Blues Aid Benefit Concert during the eight hour musical event.

Confirmed to Appear at 1999 Bluesaid

Bobby Rush--Buddy Miles--John Kay--The Cate Brothers as the BluesAid House Band--Sonny Burgess--Kim Wilson--Jimmy Hall--Mark Sallings The Kentucky Headhunters--Leroy Parnell--Mike Utley--Pinetop Perkins Blind Mississippi Morris--Frank Frost--Sam Carr--John Weston--Steve Cropper--Robert Lockwood Jr.--Gary Nicholson--Anson Funderburg

With Special Guest:
Sunshine Sonny Payne-1360 AM KFFA King Biscuit Time Radio Host

Ticket Prices are $35.00 per person each night.
For ticket information contact:
Bluesville Ticket sales: 1-800-303-7463
or Ticket Master: 901-525-1515

Sunday doors open at 3:30 and the show starts at 4:00pm
Monday doors open at 6:30 and the show starts at 7:30 pm

For more information on What YOU can to do to help ...                                              
contact The Sonny Boy Blues Society!                                                                
The Sonny Boy Blues Society                                                                         
BluesAid Foundation                                                                                 
P.O. Box 237                                                                                        
Helena, AR 72342                                                                                    
phone: 870.338.3501                                                                                 
The Website
*The Sonny Boy Blues Society is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation

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Copyright by Larry Heyl and Vivian Heyl, 1997