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Star Gazing Party at Village Creek State Park
October 28, 2000
7:30 PM

This is a great opportunity for star gazers to visit a wonderful park and get in some good viewing too. The Memphis Astronomical society has agreed to give a program and provide telescopes for the participants. The event begins at 7:30 at the Visitor's Center and will include a program on constellations and other night sky sights. Following the program participants will move to the north campground where telescopes will be available for viewing the night sky.

Village Creek is located 15 miles east of Wynne Arkansas and 13 miles north of Forest City. There are 104 Class A campsites around Lake Dunn and 10 fully-equipped cabins on a nearby ridge. Camp sites rent for $13.77 per night. Cabins range in price from $69 to $87 and house from 3 to 10 people.

Village Creek                                                                                       
201 CR 754                                                                                          
Wynne, AR 72396                                                                                     
Phone: (870) 238-9406                                                                               

For more information about Village Creek and other state parks visit the Arkansas State Parks Website

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Copyright by Larry Heyl and Vivian Heyl, 1997