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Sunday In The Park

Concerts for The Craighead Forest Bandshell                                                         
The Blues Club, Inc. is sponsoring a series of concerts at Craighead                                
Forest Park to build awareness of the Bandshell Project that is                                     
currently underway at the park.  The bands are donating their                                       
performances to build awareness of the project and to bring in                                      
donations to complete the bandshell.  The music is scheduled for Sunday                             
afternoons at 2:00pm throughout the spring and summer. Groups scheduled                             
to perform for the next four Sundays Sundays are:                                                   
April 25 - Hairy Larry and The Flying Hungarians                                                    
May 2  -  Paul Moore and Tony Bishop                                                                
May 9  -  Big Creek Band                                                                            
Bands wishing to perform at the Bandshell should call 870-933-7070.                                 
The Craighead Forest Bandshell is a structure designed for outside                                  
performances at the park.  The Blues Club is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit                               
organization striving to promote awareness of and interest in Delta                                 
Music.  The organization is currently raising funds to complete the                                 
bandshell and this series of concerts were planned with the hope of                                 
promoting awareness of the project and to get contributions for the                                 
project.  The concerts will be free but members will pass the hat and                               
ask for donations to help fund the completion of the bandshell. For more                            
information contact The Blues Club at (870) 933-7070                                                

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Copyright by Larry Heyl and Vivian Heyl, 1997