Rockabilly Days
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Rockabilly Days
by Larry Donn

Larry Donn Gillihan writes with humor and compassion about the lives and times of the singers, writers, musicians and promoters who formed the music the world now calls Rocknroll. He began playing rocknroll at 17, recording his first hit record on Vaden a small label in Northeast Arkansas. Over the decades beginning with the fifties Larry Donn has watched the music as it has grown and evolved and somehow stayed the same. Now with wry humor and a wonderful sense of the sublime he gives those old days new life. Remember how it used to be? Slicked back hair, bobby socks, penny loafers, car hops, drive in movies, and those bad boys and girls of rocknroll.

These articles originally appeared in the publication "Now Dig This".

A Buzzard, Columnist - Sept, 92
Sonny Burgess and the Pacers - May, 95
The Big Adventure - A Day at Sun
Ronnie Prophet
Sammy Creason
A Conversation With Oliver N. 'Ollie' 'The Big O' Warren
Carl Mann
Sound And Scotty Moore's Amazing Brain
Elvis Religion
You Can Be A Songwriter Instantly
Guitars and Pickers
Elvis Food
Rockabilly Days On The Internet
Thats What I Call A Ball -1

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Copyright by Larry Heyl and Vivian Heyl