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Bebop Beatniks and Friends In The Loft at The Edge Coffeehouse, February 11, 2017


Fred Brown

It was a fantastic show for our first Jazz In The Loft at The Edge Coffeehouse. Azul and Midori played two fine sets and then Bebop Beatniks brought their jazz party.

Playing with us all night were Chris Wilson, trumpet; Sid Davis, trumpet; Tyler Remagen, tenor; and Alex Washam, drums. Joining us for a song or two were Rev. Rick, Maddogg Willie, Fred Brown, and Mike "Zif" Lovell. Bebop Beatniks are Kevin Tinker, trumpet; Paul Nunis, bass; and Hairy Larry, piano and vocals.

Highlights of the night included Rev. Rick reading "Ying Yo" by Larry Heyl over "Dragonflight" also by Larry Heyl and Mike Lovell's guitar work on "Autumn Leaves" and "Black Orpheus". Paul played several amazing bass solos and the horn ensemble work was both chaotic and controlled (figure that one out).

We're all looking forward to playing some more jazz in the loft.

Promoters for the In The Loft at The Edge Coffeehouse concerts are Gunner Bassinger, Chenoa Summers, and Hairy Larry. We're on Facebook.

Link to Facebook

And here's the audio recordings on the Live Music Archive for free download and streaming.

Photo Credits - Vivian Heyl


Chris Kevin Sid Tyler Maddogg


Alex Larry


Chris Kevin Sid Tyler Playing


Hairy Larry


Kevin Tinker


Maddogg Willie


Mike Lovell On Guitar


Paul Nunis


Rev Rick


Tyler Remagen


Alex Washam


Fred Brown


Hairy Larry

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