ASU Delta Studies Symposium on the Blues
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4th ASU Delta Studies Symposium
April 16-18 1998
Creative Expressions Beyond The Blues

Fruteland Jackson
Hairy Larry and The Flying Hungarians

Michael Hawkeye Herman
Aaron Love and His TV Band
ASU will hold it's 4th annual Delta Studies Symposium, April 16-18 in the Carl R. Reng Center on the ASU campus. The symposium will begin on Thursday, April 16 at 10:30 am with paper sessions and panel discussions. The days events include a lecture by Chris Strachwitz and ends with a concert by Fruteland Jackson at 8:00 pm in the Wilson Auditorium.

Friday events begin at 8:00 am with paper sessions and panel discussions. Gloria Gibson will give a lecture at 4:00 pm. Following the lecture there will be a book signing. Friday night at 7:30 pm The Southern Regional Styles Ensemble of Memphis will perform and Allison Joseph and Barry Hannah will present selected readings at the Carl R. Reng Center.

Saturday there will be workshops for teachers (must preregister) and more paper sessions. At 12:30 the Symposium moves to the ASU Pavillion for a BBQ Lunch and live music.

Performing on Saturday are:

DiAnne Price and Her Boyfriends
Michael "Hawkeye" Herman
Aaron Love and His TV Band
Hairy Larry and The Flying Hungarians

There is no charge for attending the performance but if you wish to eat there is a $6.00 charge for the BBQ meal. For more information contact Dr. Rick Burns or Dr. William Clements at (870) 972-3043 or email Delta@Toltec.Astate.Edu
Visit their webpage for more information. Delta Blues Symposium

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