Computers and The Internet
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Computers and The Internet

Many older Americans have left the workplace for web space. Learning to use the computer is a difficult task for most people no matter what age. Despite all the wonderful promises made in TV commercials coping with all the components of today's computers is not as simple as clicking the mouse. There are so many new skills and concepts involved that for many it can become an overwhelming task.

Now that the Internet has become readily accessible we have started logging on in ever increasing numbers. The world wide web is just as confusing to the new user as all those manuals that came with his computer. Pointing and clicking usually takes us someplace we never meant to go and finding our way back to where we were can be as confusing as a maze.

There are classes offered through educational institutions that are designed to help ease the transition from computer illiterate to computer user. There are user groups who offer classes, meetings, and other help to the Windows challenged.

Call your local university, community college, or even high school to find out what classes may be available to you. User groups are not as plentiful as they were five years ago but are still around. If none exist in your area consider starting one. There are many good computer users who will share their knowledge if asked.

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