A message from Ruth Brown
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A message from Ruth Brown
Sent from Ruth's friend Beverly Howell

Beverly wrote:

A few weeks ago when I first posted about Ruth being under the weather; she asked me to relay the following message:

"You know I've always said that if the good Lord is willin' and the creeks don't rise, I'll be back with more songs. Well, so far the good Lord is willin' and the creek ain't rose yet, so I'm looking forward to bein' back soon!"

Today she asked me to relay the following:

"I got a little wet, but that creek hasn't drown me yet! I love you and God bless you!"

I will continue to post info and updates as I receive them.

Warm Regards, Beverly Howell

Then she sent this update:

I spoke with Ruth a few minutes ago. The doctors have allowed her to go home for the next 8 or 9 days to rest before she goes back in for her colon surgery. She is happy to be back home to spoil her little dog, and said she is really enjoying looking out her window at the bright sun-shiny day. I told her another volume of "Ruth's Book of Love," (a spiral notebook with the letters that are coming in to her emailbox) is on the way soon; she feels so blessed that folks are thinking of her and taking the time to write!

Please keep the wonderful letters coming, and feel free to send her poems, jokes, letters, whatever you think would brighten her day -- I will print them and make sure she receives each and every one. (By the way, Ruth absolutely LOVES butterflies and angels.)

My heartfelt thanks to everyone that has written asking permission to repost these updates or Ruth's email and postal mail addresses on their websites, listservs, etc. Please feel free to do so; the more love we send Ruth's way, the better!

Once again, her email address is


and her postal address for cards and letters is

Ruth Brown
P.O. Box 74
Smithfield, KY

Thanks to Beverly Howell for getting this information out and thanks to Leon McEntire for bringing it to our attention. All of Ruth Brown's fans are praying for her. If you are not familiar with her music please find a CD somewhere and listen. She is a true Blues Legend, one of the all time great female vocalists.

Some good news from Ruth Brown via Beverly

I had a wonderful telephone visit with Ruth tonight!

I am delighted to announce she's feeling better, and is hopeful that her doctors might let her go home this weekend.

"Your cards, letters, prayers, and kind words of encouragement are overwhelming! My heartfelt thanks for each and every one; I am so richly blessed. When I get home and settled, I'm going to try to answer as many as I can."

With Love and Gratitude, Ruth

Info on Ruth Brown
Britanica On Line - Women In American History
Ruth Brown Biography on Orbit

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