Delta Pickins Reviews Freddie King - LIVE AT THE ELECTRIC BALLROOM
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Delta Pickin's

Black Top 1127

At 6 feet 3 inches and 300 pounds, Freddie King, the "Texas Cannonball" was at the peak of his career when this concert was recorded in Atlanta. This disc is a document of Freddie and his band giving their all on the best setlist I have ever heard them play. Every song is a classic that takes the listener on a one way trip from the delta to Chicago and then back to Texas, where Freddie got his start playing High School dances in the early `60's.

Believe it or not, the original master tape of this show laid in a closet for over twenty years! The sound quality is great for a live recording made in 1974, but that is not all. Included at the beginning of the disc, are two numbers performed by Freddie on solo acoustic guitar and vocals. The only known recording of the Texas Cannonball on acoustic guitar. Of course, he played it amazingly well. There are also snippets of an interview with a Dallas DJ, Jon Dillon, that are quite enlightening, as they show Freddie to be very much a fan of Jimmy Rogers and Elmore James, who wrote the two acoustic tunes.

At the time of this recording, Freddie had just released his 12'th album, but the best he ever did on the charts was when, in 1963, he released the classic song "Hideaway". It reached #5 on the R&B charts and made the top 30 on the pop charts, breaking through to a white audience before the other two Kings, B.B. and Albert. Sadly, Freddie was to live only two more years. He passed away at a young 42 and that only adds to how great it is to have this rare concert performance on CD to add to the collection.

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